'We teach people how to remember, but we never teach them how to grow.' Oscar Wilde

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Don't let your head rule your heart...what do you think?

Do you think we should let all our emotions run free or think twice? When your head tells you stop! and your heart tells you go!, what do you do?

“The heart has reasons that reason does not understand.” Jacques Benigne B.

“One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter.” James Earl Jones

4 comentarios:

  1. it is difficult to answer....

  2. Mariaaa! en el examen del miercoles.. entra el vocabulario en listin telefonicoo.. o son ejercicioos? GUAPA!

  3. Jennyyyyy, no seas no seas...amos a ver, te voy a dar un consejo ... asi ... "de gratis". Mari Pili, ponga el vocab en listin telefonico o no...hay q estudiarselo!!! Mas q nada porq luego os pasais el examen diciendo: María, ¿Qué siginifica...? eehhh ;P Animo, guapa, q solo os queda el ultimo empujoncito!!
